Vlogging 101 - Getting Started

Vlogging is a fun and interesting activity to take part in and nowadays anyone can do it. Not only is it fun, but it can also be incredibly simple and easy to get your vlog started! In this article we are going to go talk about how to get your own vlog started and how attract viewers.

Step One: What's It About?

The first and most important step in starting your own vlog is to decide what your vlog will be about. Will it be a vlog about your everyday life? Or will it be about something more specific like a travel vlog or maybe a sports vlog? There are all kinds of different vlogs and you can vlog just about anything! You'll also need to come up with goals or objectives for your vlog which will make it easier for you to decide what your vlog will be about and this will also give you guidance in how you should go about creating your vlog and accountability to keep your vlogging activities consistent and in high quality.

Step Two: What You'll Need

Once you’ve decided on what kind of vlog you want to create, your next step will be researching and buying the equipment you’ll need. Besides a computer, you’ll need a camera. These days you can pick up a good quality camera for a relatively low price, you’ll just have to find out what kind of camera you’d like to use. Some people use a vlogging camera, these are made specifically for vlogging, while others use something more like a go pro. You can even use your phone camera if it’s good enough quality and save money that way. Many vloggers also like to use microphones as well, these are often times hidden while on camera, and some vlogging cameras even come with good quality mics. There are some cameras that may film high quality vlogs but their mics may not have very high or dependable quality, so it’s important to do your research.

Step 3: Planning Your Vlog

Now that we've taken care of the first couple of steps, its time to start planning out your vlog. Your vlog is usually going to be more professional and be more enjoyable if you have everything planned out and organized when you get started.

For starters, you need to decide on a few simple details such as how often you'll release a new vlog, weekly, daily or everything in between, Another detail in this step can be the way each of your vlogs will be organized. For example, will your vlog be ten minutes long or only two? Or will your vlog talk about certain news regarding the subject of your vlog, or will it cover your experiences in the subject of your vlog as you go about participating in that subject. How about all the sites that you'll be posting your vlog? YouTube for example is a great option and likely a place where you can reasonably expect good viewership after putting some work into it and researching how to get more viewers.  There are no wrong answers, but it is important to remember that whether it be in the subject of your vlog or the days that you post your vlog, consistency is key,

Most everything in your vlog should be kept consistent because it's a great way to keep your viewers who may come because they expect your vlog on certain days or expect to watch it for the specific content that you put in it. If they are consistent viewers it is obvious that they enjoy your vlog and they watch it for the content that you've been putting in it, whether its content is about the same thing each time or whether it is completely unrelated content in every vlog, so it is a great idea to keep the content style and the times that you post consistent.

Of course every now and then it's likely that your viewers may enjoy a temporary change, for example, shooting an extra long vlog with a special event based around the usual content or content style of your vlog.

Once you've decided all of this, it's a good idea to do some research to find out what might grow your viewership when your vlog is started and what people interested in the subject of your vlog might want to see.

Step 4: Attracting Viewers

Attracting viewers to your vlog can be the hardest step, but there are plenty of tools out there to help you, for example, social media. Social media can be a vloggers best friend, not only is it a great way to advertise your vlog and get connected with new viewers, it can also be a great way to keep connected with your usual viewers and to give them updates about future vlogs and current news about your vlog.

Over time, if your content is good and interesting to your potential viewers, you'll naturaly build an audience as you stay consistent, but you can also try getting your viewership to pick up a little faster by using all the different advertisment options you have such as Instagram influencers, or Facebook ads, or even Google ads. It's always a good idea to experiment and find the best options for your vlog.

Of course, we also have to recommend sprucing up your project with good music for vlogs. For example, a catchy intro at the beginning of each of your vlogs can be a great way to help your viewers remember your to be on the look out for your next release!