How to Grow On YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular social media and video sharing platforms on the internet today. One could even say that it has become the most popular video sharing platform there is. From creative directors and daily life vloggers all the way to businesses looking to get the word out about their services and products, there are many reasons to get started on YouTube and in this article we are going to talk about how to grow on YouTube! We'll be going over three basic, but very important steps for growing your channel:

  • Research Your Target Audience
  • Find Your Target Keywords
  • Consistency
  • Quality
  • Getting the Word Out


    Let's get started!

    Research Your Target Audience

    The very first thing you should do is find out who your target audience is, and what they want to see! There are multiple ways to do this, and even if you already know your target audience well, it can still be a major benefit to your channel to learn everything you can about them! 

    One great way to do this is by researching the content within your subject matter that is already made. Take a look at what’s already out there and what had a positive interaction from viewers as well as what had a negative reaction. This can help you get an idea about what works and what doesn’t work for that subject matter. 

    Reading comments sections to get an idea about how people enjoyed themselves, what they didn’t like, what they would like to see and how they would like to experience it, is also a great and easy way to find out what your potential audience will enjoy!

    Keyword Research

    Another important step towards improving your YouTube channel is to use keyword research to not only find good keywords for the search engine optimization of your channel and videos, but to also find out what topics within your subject matter viewers are searching for and are interested in seeing. 

    There are multiple keyword finding tools available online, we will list a few of them out here so that you can look into them and find out which one you'd like to use, some are paid services, and some are free!

    These keyword tools are great for giving you an idea of what keywords to use and how many searches each keyword gets per month, and what their potential traffic might be! These can all be important for finding out what your content should include as well as what words your video and channel descriptions and titles might benefit from including so that your content will end up in front of the right viewers, the kind of people who will enjoy your videos and even become subscribers! This is a very important step because it helps you discover the sort of content that your potential viewers want to see!


    One of the most important things you can do to grow your channel and attract and keep subscribers is to stay consistent in multiple ways. For example, you'll want to keep the subject of your videos relatively consistent. Often times, viewers subscribe to specific channels because they are interested in the subject or subjects which that channel is about. Going off subject often can lead to not only a loss in subscribers who may become frustrated, but it can also lead new viewers to not have a clear picture of what your channel is really about. This can cause a loss in potential new subscriptions as viewers may not realize that your channel covers a subject that they are interested in.

    Another important way to be consistent is by consistently posting new videos. A channel that appears inactive may cause viewers to avoid subscribing, and it may cause that channels current subscribers to unsubscribe. Periods of inactivity can also make it less likely for people to find your videos or your channel, especially if your competition is actively posting during your period of inactivity.

    A great way to stay consistently active is to organize a video posting schedule for yourself, whether its once a day or three times a week, keeping a consistent posting schedule can help attract new viewers and subscribers, and is extremely important for growing your YouTube presence.


    Creating Quality Content

    Posting high quality videos with high quality content is another important step in growing your presence on YouTube. These days we are fortunate enough to be in a time where you can find a good quality camera for a relatively low price. Because of how quickly camera quality has improved, you don't have to spend a major amount of money to be able to produce videos with a high-quality image. The majority of digital cameras these days are high definition which is perfect for creating great quality videos for YouTube! Thanks to the technological progress of cameras, this is often going to be an easy step to achieve, all it takes is a little research and budget planning.

    Remember to leave room in your budget to cover your videos sound as well. You don't want rough, distorted sound in your videos. If they're hard to hear viewers will often avoid watching them. Fortunately, many cameras come with decent sound recording capabilities and you also have the option of looking for affordable mics to help boost your sound quality to the next level.

    Now for the more difficult, but honestly more fun aspect of your videos quality: content quality. Content quality is what's going to help you keep your viewers once they find your videos and it will help to turn people into subscribers. Once you have decided on what your videos will be about, you're going to want to spend time planning out the style of your videos, such as the style of filming. For example, you might try point of view filming, or maybe filming with a greenscreen so that you can add effects later.

    You're also going to want to spend time planning out how your videos will be organized. For example, will your video have an intro and an outro? Will your video be filmed using multiple scenes in specific locations? Will you use the same space to film most of your videos? All of these can be important depending on what your videos are about.

     If your videos are about video game reviews, you may find having a well set up game room scene to film most of your videos in beneficial. Not only can having a consistent, and well set up scene add an aesthetic pleasantness to your videos, it can also help relay to potential new viewers what your videos are consistently about and make them more likely to hit the subscribe button if that's a subject that they're interested in.


    Getting The Word Out

    Getting the word out about your YouTube channel and videos can take some time but we are going to tell you about the two most important tools in this step right now, patience, and consistency. Don't give up on the entire project if your first few videos don't get many views, and don't lessen the attention you give to the project if it's not immediately achieving the results that you are working towards. Often times it can take a little while to get things moving and to start getting high viewership for your videos.

    One of the most powerful tools we have to help get things moving with viewership is social media and use of hashtags. Hashtags can be a great way to connect viewers with your content as they help people find content that they're interested in. Hashtags are a benefit to everyone, from video makers to viewers as it makes this connection easier to achieve. Researching the right ones to use for your content is a very valuable use of your time.

    Finding channels with similar content and connecting with them to collaborate on videos can be another great way to get more exposure to viewers who are interested in what your content is about! Not only will the viewers from your collaborator channel discover your channel, but your viewers will also discover their channel, it's a win win for everyone involved because often times those viewers will become subscribers of both channels, and the viewers benefit because they've found more content that they enjoy! Even larger channels may be willing to help you out by collaborating because they too started out somewhere and they often times know that it can be hard getting started. and will be nice enough to give you a hand. Don't be afraid to ask. Remember, collaborating with a competing channel can often times be a good thing and can be beneficial for both channels. Viewers want to see content that they're interested in, it's not very likely that they are going to ignore a channel posting quality content that they enjoy just because they found another channel posting the same kind of content.

    These three categories are very important for growing your channel and if you take your time and build everything up right, you often times are going to have not just viewership, but quality viewership for your content. These are the kinds of people who will subscribe to your channel and that is how to grow on YouTube!