How to Use Music in YouTube Videos

In this article we are going to go over a very important subject for content creators! We are going to talk about how to use music in YouTube videos. Video content is usually great improved with the use of music! It can help set the atmosphere of the subject of the video, and it can increase entertainment value! Well be going over things like:

  1. How to legally use music.
  2. How to find music to use in videos

Let's get started

How to Legally Use Music in YouTube Videos and Where to Find it! 

We will start off with the most important topic of this page: how to legally use music! This should always be any content creators first concern when it comes to using music in their videos! If you're using a track that you don't own the rights to, or that you don't have a license from a provider or it's original creator or studio, you could run into multiple problems.

The first of these problems are penalties on your YouTube channel. The popular video sharing platform can demonetize your video, or even make it unavailable for anyone to see. If you continue to use music that you don't have permission for you could end up losing the ability to post anything for a time. In severe cases, your channel may also get terminated! 

There are several ways to find music that you can use so that you avoid these problems and penalties! These are:

  • Picking from YouTube's useable tracks.
  • Having your own music created.
  • Making an agreement with an artist to pay royalties for using their music
  • Using a royalty free music library website.

YouTube Music Library 

YouTube does have a selection of musical tracks that you can use in your videos. This works well for those who don't have the time to create their own tracks! The selection is wide and has the benefit of being quick and easy and royalty free. It's a very helpful option for those needing to get their videos up quickly! 

Having Music Made

Having your own music created is a great way of getting a track that you will ideally own the rights to! You can also have it made completely custom to fit your exact needs! This route however is often expensive, and while it's worth it in some cases, it will take a chunk of your budget.

Paying an Artist Royalties 

Another way to get music to use is by talking to an artist or studio and setting up a deal to use their song where you pay royaltyies to them. If there is a popular song by them that you are using it can be very beneficial. Using this type of track can be a big draw in for viewers, However, it's often very expensive.

Royalty Free Music

Getting your tracks from a royalty free music library is another great option! These libraries are often arranged by type and style making it easy to find the track you need. On this type of website you buy a license to use the track royalty free. 

This is usually a very affordable option and will save you a lot of money. If the music is royalty free you won't have to pay an artist or a studio royalties. This will save you money when your video becomes widely viewed! If you would like to choose this route, it is our specialty and we sell royalty free tracks right here, just follow this link:

When it comes to creating your content, learning how to use music in YouTube videos the right way will save you from a lot of trouble! It's never fun to have to take down your hard work because you didn't have the legal rights to use the music. 

It's always a good idea to do further research on this subject. Here's a link to YouTube's policies on copyright: