How to Make Money Podcasting

Podcasting, today, is one of the most popular and highly enjoyed forms of content! It has become a form of entertainment that isn't just enjoyable at home, but even while at work, or while waiting for an appointment! Thanks to mobile devices and apps, it is a form of entertainment that has become a part of many people's daily lives! This in turn has made this form of content creation a very valuable to create another stream of income for many people! It's advertising potential has made it a great way to make money even simply talking about subjects that you enjoy! Today we are going to talk about how to make money podcasting!

This can be done through things like:

  • Advertising
  • Podcast Merchandise 
  • Creating a Business Podcast
  • Subscription Content 

Lets get started!


One of the best ways to make a podcast profitable is through advertising! This will generate passive income from your podcast and it is a relatively straightforward process! 

There are several ways to set up advertising on your podcast. However, you will need to in some cases have a good number of viewers. It is possible to set up a deal with companies when you are just starting out as well. Let's take a closer look at the various ways to set up advertising!

Sponsorship Ads

One or the most popular ways is by company sponsorship! This involves you talking about a company's product or service briefly during the podcast. Usually you will be paid for every certain number of views. For example, the deal might have the podcaster paid for every thousand views. If you have a higher number of views this will be hugely profitable! However, if you haven't built up your audience yet, this won't be a very good option to use starting out. 

Clickable Ads

This option is a premade ad that you run at some point during your podcast. You'll be paid a small amount every time the ad is clicked. This is also a profitable option for those who have a high number of viewers, but it won't be as profitable for those with less viewers. However, sometimes businesses and people will still be willing to set up their ads with you while you work on growing your audience! If you would like to learn more about growing your podcast audience, check out our article by following this link:

How to Make Money Podcasting With Merchandise 

Another effective idea for how to make money podcasting is selling podcast merchandise! When your content becomes popular, and even before that, getting merchandise ready can not only be profitable, but it can bring more awareness about your content! 

Popular merchandise products include hats, shirts, mugs, posters, and so on. It's also a good idea to create merchandise that is relatable to your content. For example, if your podcast is about basketball, selling Jersey style shirts with your podcast name, or basketballs with the name on them will be a profitable idea. Be sure to announce your merchandise in each episode to let your viewers and listeners know that it is available. That way fans of your podcast will often times be sure to get some of your gear. Include your website if your podcast has one!

Creating a Podcast For Your Business

If you have a business, or if you're planning on making one, making a podcast is another great idea for how to make money podcasting! Doing this for bring several benefits! 

The first benefit is that you'll be getting word out about your products or services! Podcasts are after all a very popular form of media! With that in mind you can create profitability by using it to let your viewers know about your product! You can even get pretty in depth and let viewers known the benefits of your product throughout multiple episodes! 

How to Make Money Podcasting With Customer Reviews

Having customers, who liked your product or service talk about it on your podcast in a sort of interview style format is another great idea! This one is pretty easy to set up. Simply contact your best customers and see if they'd be willing to take a call from you that will be recorded in the podcast. Ask them to say what they thought about the product or service. If they live nearby you should ask and see if they'll be willing to come to your podcast setup and do a quick interview there.

Sometimes they are willing and this will go far for your brand! Reviews like this generate major trust for a company or product! When they make an appearance on your company's podcast to give an honest review, it creates trust in potential customers who listen! People that listen to that podcast, even when it's an older episode will still be able to hear the interview so this idea remains beneficial, even years after!

Paid Subscription Content

Creating content that requires a paid subscription from your viewers and listeners is another great idea for how to make money podcasting! It takes a lot of work but will be worth it once your audience grows! When creating this sort of content, it has to be more in depth, and more informative that your free content. You have to attract subscribers and keep them interested so that they remain subscribed. Even consider putting no ads in it because they are paying for it. Also use the fact that it is uninterrupted by ads as a selling point for subscribing!

How to Make Money Podcasting With Special Event Paid Episodes

Special event podcast episodes where a one time payment is required to enjoy it is another profitable idea! These are often interviews with special guests! When doing these you have got to make sure that what you are creating is entertaining and on point! Making it highly enjoyable and consistently entertaining will get you repeat customers as well!


Many experts in all sorts of subjects have found podcasting to be a fantastic and valuable way to connect with the sorts of people that need their expertise! They take what they've learned and experienced and use it to start a consultation podcast which is often offered as a paid subscription based service! It even works as a one time event if you need to raise money fast! The idea here is to offer classes in the form of a podcast, almost like a seminar. 

A great way to do this is by starting a separate free to watch podcast, or even a YouTube channel, where you display your expertise! This way you'll connect with your potential customers for free! Start by talking about some of the broader subjects within your expertise to cast a wide net out. This will pull more people in who are interested in those subjects, and from there you will find the people who are willing to pay for a podcast style class to learn more about that main subject!  


Podcasting has become a highly profitable venture for many people and it will be for you too! You just have to be willing to put in a good effort making sure it's very enjoyable or useful to your target audience! 

If you haven't made your podcast yet or are just getting started, we have a helpful article to read about how to start a podcast! Simply click this link: